Monday, January 6, 2014
Farm Goals: Year One
If someone had told me earlier this year that we would be buying our first home in a different state, I definitely would have questioned their sanity. Had they said it would be the farm of our dreams, I would have thought they had gotten into some bath salts.
Here it is, January, and we've been on our little slice of heaven for just over two months, though it seems like forever. Its as if this place was made for us. We belong here.
Is it perfect? No, but its perfect for us.
Our farm came with a bunch of stuff that would have otherwise been on my to-do list:
Farm House (Check!)
Barn (Check!)
Chicken Coop (Check!)
Grape Vines (Check!)
Established Fruit Trees (Check!)
Pond (Check!)
Pasture, Partially Fence (Check!)
Even still, there are so many things I want to do. I have grand plans. Grand, I tell ya!
1. More Laying/Pet Chickens.
This goal is already partially accomplished. In mid-November, only two weeks after moving, I decided I wanted to raise chicks over the winter so I could collect beautiful eggs around June, as opposed to having to wait until September. That late in the year, the only thing available were hatching eggs. I've always wanted to hatch little chickies! So I ordered an incubator, and two dozen hatching eggs: one dozen French Copper Marans, and one dozen Easter Eggers. Unfortunately right after I placed my order, the hens at the farm I ordered the eggs from went on strike. "Hell nay, we won't lay!" The company offered to double my egg order for free if I could wait until Spring. It was a deal I couldn't pass up, French Copper Marans are certainly pricier than the average layer. So instead of raising chicks over winter, I'll have spring chicks after all. As long as I can have more chickens, I'm a happy girl.
2. Huge Heirloom Vegetable Garden.
I've been gardening for a few years now, but I definitely still consider myself a novice. With each gardening season, I learn a whole slew of new lessons in vegetable gardening. I've also graduated in size with each passing year. Last year with the biggest by far, was 600 square feet. I plan to far surpass that one with a 6,000 square foot garden this Spring. We'll can, freeze, and eat fresh, colorful heirlooms to our hearts content.
3. Start All Garden Plants From Seed.
Last years attempt at starting all of our garden plants from seed was a total failure. I had good intentions, but a drafty window, and a cat made sure my seed babies didn't survive. I begrudgingly bought little seedlings from our local nursery. This year, I'm prepared. It's going to work, even if it somehow kills me. I've ordered over 100 packets of heirlooms seeds, my husband gave me a greenhouse for Christmas, and I have the starting dates all mapped out,(which reminds me, I need to start my kale, and onion seeds soon). I'm ready for this!
4. Dairy Goats.
To me, goats and chickens are the epitome of farm life. I've dreamed of having these two animals for years, but thought it would be decades before that dream would ever come true. My favorite blog made me long to have chickens and goats running around in my backyard. They're cute, most are friendly, AND the best part (duh), fresh milk. I want fresh chèvre, goat milk soap, and raw milk in my refrigerator. This goal is close to being crossed off my list because... we're getting two Nigerian Dwarf doelings very soon! I'm so EXCITED!!
5. Dog Fencing.
We have five dogs, and they're all in the house... all the time. Suffice it to say, they stress me the heck out. The cats I can let out, and they'll stay on the property, or at least out of harms way. Our dogs are kinda helpless and three of them are very small. They would be an easy snack for an array of Ozark Mountain predators. So when they have to go out and potty (a thousand times a day) I have to go out with them. It's -10 degrees here today with over a foot of snow, I can't express how much fun all the potty breaks have been. It will be SO MUCH easier when we put a fence in where I can just let them out so they can go potty on their own, and I can have some time for my sanity.
6. Honey Bees.
I love, love, love REAL honey. After having honest to goodness, local honey, the store bought clover honey just doesn't cut it. Also, honey bees will majorly benefit my vegetable garden. I plan to position the hives behind the garden, near the tree line so my garden will have ample pollination. While I want honey bees at some point, if we get them this year, great, but if they get pushed to the back burner, next year will be fine, too. At the very least, I'll be doing LOTS of research, and possibly taking a class on bee-keeping.
7. More Fruit Trees.
I know we have a few fruit trees behind our house, I'm just not sure what kind. Two apple for sure, but the rest are a mystery. As soon as I figure out what variety they are, we'll be planting more. Persimmon, Cherry, Plum, Peach - you name it. I want every kind of jam, and wine I can make! Is that greedy?
8. Butcher Our Own Meat Chickens
This one is pretty self explanatory. We love chicken, and we love fresh. I want to know where my meat comes from. Until their time comes, I want to give those meat chickens the best life I can; on our pretty little farm, foraging in picturesque pastures, and chasing terrified Chihuahuas. I've been reading up on it, talking to other farmers about it, I've dissected animals, and assisted in several surgeries while obtaining my degree in Veterinary Technology. I can do this! :P
9. Learn to Pressure Can.
I'm hooked on water bath canning. I figure once I get the hang of it, pressure canning will be no different. I'm actually planning on taking a half-day class on preserving and canning vegetables at our local college in March. I'm sure pressure canning will be in there somewhere.
10. Ducks.
We have a cute little pond, we need cute little ducks, right?
There are still SO MANY things I want to accomplish, but all in due time. Having a farm is overwhelming, but the most amazing thing I've ever done. I can't wait to see what the future holds. Now if Spring would just GET HERE.
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