

Hello there, and welcome to Cluck Wild Farm!

Allow me to introduce myself: I'm Nicole, a goat milkin', tomato growin', soap makin', wine drinkin', farm lovin', homesteadin' kinda gal. This is a place to share my homegrown approach to homemaking - tasty recipes, gardening goodies, and all things country inspired. I'm the wife of a technological genius, and pet-mother to one obnoxious parakeet, six mischievous cats, five perfect pups, four messy ducks, thirty sassy chickens, and seven super cute goats, with the occasional foster cat or dog tossed into the mix. Yeah, we love animals.

Since we began planning our future together a few years ago, my husband and I have longed to have a farm of our very own. Just recently our dreams have come true! We purchased our first home in the fall of 2013, an eleven acre hobby farm in Southern Missouri. It's absolute paradise for us and our furry/feathery/behooved family, but we have a lot to learn about this whole farming thing. I look forward to what the adventure is going to bring, and I hope you'll join us for the journey!


  1. Dear friends,
    I found your internet site and I was in love. You are a charm. Of course my English is terrible, so I asked for help to Google and here I am trying to communicate!
    I was happy to see that esperimentam life on the farm, this is beautiful!
    I am Brazilian, my name is Ilda Mara, 57 years old and I love to cook.
    I am a descendant of Ucraino, my grandfather came from Ukraine at age 15. So I was raised in a home with typical food of that country. As they were from the rural area, the food is very delicious.
    I want to know if you want recipes that I got from my grandmother, are very good and I can send. My
    I'll be happy if they respond .
    A big hug,
    Ilda Mara

  2. Farm life is definitely an experience, that's for sure :) I'm glad you enjoy my blog!

  3. I love your blog so far. Your place is gorgeous! We just bought our first house and only have 1/3 of an acre... I'm trying to maximize space and I have rabbits, quail, ducks, and dogs. =) We are also planning on getting dwarf goats and possibly chickens. I have to say my gardening skills are weak. I love how you make everything yourself though! Looking forward to reading more of your posts... Aren't you on byc?

    1. Wow, thank you Nayeli! Congrats on your first home, that's so exciting! One third of an acre, or fifty, if one has the desire to homestead - anything is possible! Our last home had MAYBE one sixth of an acre in the back for homesteading activities, and we did everything involving homesteading that we could fit into that backyard. Sounds like you're doing the same, though in a much larger area :) Gardening skills are something to be learned over time. Every summer that I have a garden, I learn something new. I really don't know much myself, but I keep truckin' on, just hoping to get more tomatoes than the year before :) I have to strongly urge you to follow your chicken, and goat plans - they're both so awesome to raise! And yes, I'm on BYC (Cluck Wild Farm is my username). Good luck with your homestead!
