In some very exciting, and surprise news - we have ducklings! Yesterday on our way home from work, my husband took a different, and very long route home... all to get me my last in a series of Valentines Day presents. Other women may want flowers, or jewelry for Valentines Day, but my husband knows me better. He knows that a blackberry bush, or a box of ducklings is the way to this girls heart. I'm calling them 'The Quackshire Family' until I figure out the boys from the girls.
I've never raised ducklings before, so this will be an entirely new experience for me. I couldn't be more excited! They're SO CUTE.
My husband and I took them into the bathroom today, laid down a towel, gave them a bowl of water, and they went WILD. How many ducklings can fit into a dog food bowl?
After about fifteen minutes of making an absolute mess, the ducklings were flat tuckered out. We tucked them back in their brooder, and went off to do farmer business - measure for a fence! We've been here three months, and one of the absolute musts for this spring is installing a fence for the dogs. Our dogs are wanderers, and believe me, there's plenty of acreage to wander off into - over one hundred acres of woods surround our house. Not to mention the hawks, coyotes, wild dogs, and from what I've read, even mountain lions that roam/fly around these parts. The last thing I want to do is wrestle a mountain lion in the dark over a Chiweenie. Don't worry, I don't like to kill things, so if it happens I'll go easy on the mountain lion.
Juju, and Otis had a long afternoon of eating, and pooping. They took a much needed nap.
It's been a month or so since I've made a batch of soap. Which is crazy - I love making soap! For reasons unknown (maybe it was that second jug of coffee?) I had an unusual burst of energy for a Saturday afternoon, and started a batch of soap. Wanna learn how to make your own homemade soap? I thought so! Find my easy to follow tutorial here.
While the soap was cooking, I cracked open a jar of my favorite pickles in the whole world - my very own Garlic Dill Cucumber Pickles. Thank sweet baby jesus for canning, its a much needed reminder of the garden. Seriously winter, enough.
After I plopped the hot soap into its mold to cool, I remembered it was time to start a few more seeds! Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Lettuce this evening. Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplant towards the end of the month. There's a light at the end of the tunnel!
I marked my seeds with these little toothpick flags, They're not pretty, but they get the job done with black containers.
I set my soap outside to cool a little faster. What can I say? I'm impatient. Normally it takes eight hours to cool. I usually can't wait that long. I wanna slice up some beautiful bars of soap, and marvel at my handy work! Basil Mint Sage with French Green Clay on the left, and Honey Spearmint on the right. Gawgeous.
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